Implementation of an industrial backing with Brandon

Field of activity: fast food segment

Context :

A startup manager, creator of a new concept of healthy fast-food restaurant, consulted Brandon Valorisation for the purpose of developing his business more widely and launch a franchise in France. He considered financial and industrial backing that would get him the financial resources and expertise needed for such an expansion.



To meet is need, Brandon Valorisation jointly conducted a financial valuation study of the company and a search for a financial and industrial backing in France.

The financial valuation study made it possible to determine an objective value of the company by taking into account its original concept of healthy fast-food and the progress already made by the manager (recipes, concept development, visual identity, pilot restaurant etc.)

The industrial backing search phase led us to identify many French franchise players operating in the same field of activity. After validating the non-confidential presentation file, Brandon Valorisation contacted the most relevant companies to offer them the opportunity to participate in the project. One company quickly showed interest in the concept and wanted to visit the restaurant and speak with the founder. After confirmation of their interest, Brandon Valorisation led the negotiations based on the valuation previously determined until reaching a win-win agreement between the parties.

The restaurant was thus able to partner with a “major player” in the sector which had the necessary skills, particularly in logistics and in franchise network coordination, as well as the sufficient human and financial resources to support the manager in its efforts.

See also:

Brandon Valorisation

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