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Focus on… technology transfer
Do you want to develop your innovation and enable it to reach its market? Have you thought about technology transfer?

Our services: get an evaluation of your company with Brandon Valorisation
Brandon Valorisation’s teams have been supporting you for over 30 years in the financial valuation of your intangible assets and company valuation.

Brandon Valorisation ranked by Décideurs Magazine and the rating agency Leaders League!
Brandon Valorisation is happy and proud to announce its inclusion in the 2024 list of Décideurs Magazine, by the rating agency Leaders League.

New partnership with ScoreX SAS
We are pleased to announce our new partnership with ScoreX SAS, a firm of French chartered accountants, contributions auditor, and auditors.

In our activities: industrial backing
We present here an alternative to fundraising. Brandon Valorisation has been applying this method for many years.

A nice birthday evening with Brandon IP
Our partner, Brandon IP, celebrated his 157th birthday on October 27, at Studio Harcourt, in very good company.

Brandon launches the Master Classes!
Discover our free Master Classes to inform you on the protection and valuation of innovations and/or companies:

Invited by the EUIPO to talk about financial valuation
Our firm was invited by the EUIPO to participate as an expert in a client panel on the theme of intellectual property valuation.

A new partnership with the ESSEC Africa Junior Enterprise
We are pleased to announce a new partnership with Junior Consulting Essec Africa (JCEA), a branch of ESSEC Business School. Created by a group of […]

The Brandon Group evolves and becomes Brandon Rezac
This is a major development for the Brandon Group: we enter a new partnership with the law firm Rezac Law!

New: Brandon’s packaged offers
Brandon Valorisation innovates and launches the packaged offers. It is the possibility for start-ups, SMEs and other companies to mix all the firm’s services. How […]

A look back on our year 2022
A new year has started. It is an opportunity for us to take stock of 2022 and the developments of the Brandon Group.

Almost 20 years…
Having took over the head of our partner Office BLETRY in 2003, Anne and Michel Lévy have endeavored to maintain and promote the notoriety of this IP law firm created in 1866 by the Blétry Brothers.

Our new service offer: financial modeling of business plan
In order to offer a broader support to our clients in all stages of their innovative business project, Brandon Valorisation is launching a new service: financial modeling of business plan.

A new partnership with NCLI Conseil
The Brandon Group is pleased to announce its partnership with NCLI Conseil, a specialist in consulting and financial support for businesses.

Intellectual Property Strategy Early Assessment- Bpifrance
Brandon IP has been selected by Bpifrance as an expert for the early assessment of intellectual property strategy and valuation of intangible assets.

Brandon Valorisation is expanding internationally
It is thanks to the expertise of our team and the quality of our interventions that our activities are also expanding internationally.

Our team is growing
Brandon valorisation is glad to welcome Imen SNOUSSI, PhD in Finance, as an innovation’ valuation advisor. With her financial field experience, Imen is being to […]

Our partnership with OL&DI
OL&DI Consulting is an innovation financing consulting firm which supports companies (start-up, SMEs, etc.) in their process to identify, structure, optimize and strengthen the strategy […]

Euleos & the Brandon Group: tell us about your projects!
Do you have questions about the development and the sustainability of your company? The Brandon Group & Euleos enter a collaborative and innovative partnership […]

A mediator within the Brandon Group!
After an additional training at the Paris Catholic Institute, Anne Levy, Patent & Trademark Attorney and President of Brandon IP, obtained this year a University […]

Due diligence: a useful tool during a company takeover
The purpose of due diligence, or prior audit, is to carry out any checks required by the buyer to ensure the company’s health.

Did you know? The contribution in possession is rarely used, however, it is worth looking at it!
By Vincent Fayon, chartered accountant and contributions auditor at SCOREX, and Michel Lévy, partner at Brandon Group.

Innovation Consulting
Brandon Valorisation is a pioneer and innovator in the field of Innovation Consulting.

What is the relationship between intellectual property and collective proceeding?
By Michel Lévy, President of Brandon Valorisation.

Economic intelligence, industrial property strategy and valuation
In recent weeks, we have exposed various strategies for innovation valuation that can be carried out independently or in a complementary manner within a company. […]

Why value your industrial property titles?
Patents and trademarks are assets that can be evaluated Industrial property is used to protect inventions or distinctive signs in order to ensure an […]

Patent (or IP title) valuation « à la carte ».
Optimize your patent valuation strategy with a staged process.

Diversification of activities by integrating new products, a way of survival and development for subcontracting SMEs
A landmark case: Brandon Valorisation was approached by a local Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCI) confronted to insufficient activity in the small and medium […]

Why estimate the value of intangible assets?
By Michel Lévy, President of Brandon Valorisation.

A new service: Brandon supports you in project engineering
At the beginning of 2021, our team is offering a new personalized service.

A new installation in Bordeaux for Brandon
The Brandon Group is pleased to announce the creation of a new establishment in Bordeaux (France)! After the opening of our offices in Orleans […]

Benchmarking the post-Covid IP firms
We talk about the participation of Anne Levy in the FICPI webinar on March 17, 2021, on the topic: Benchmarking of intellectual property firms in a post-Covid era.

A look back on our year 2020
2021 has arrived! It is the occasion to take stock of the year that has just passed.

Traffic on our website: thank you!
You have been more than 8,000 to visit our website in 2020 and there are more and more new visitors coming every day. We […]

Brandon’s birthday: 30 years of collaboration!
In November 2020, Anne and Michel Lévy celebrated the 30th anniversary of their collaboration. It is the opportunity to learn more about the history of Brandon Group.

Lockdown: an opportunity to define the strategy of development of its business
During a period of normal operating activity, entrepreneurs are caught up by the everyday company requirements.

Lockdown: description of the current situation
Dear clients and partners, Our team’s and clients’ security and health are our top priority. Therefore, in accordance with government guidelines, Brandon Valorisation’s […]

A new year at your service
2019 saw a wealth of projects taking off for Brandon Valorisation.

Estimate the value of a company: book value and intangible assets
The valuation of a company is often a sensitive issue in the event of a capital transaction (fundraising, equity investment, redemption of the shares held […]

Brandon Valorisation has opened a new office in the Hauts-de-France Region
With a new office in Amiens, Brandon Valorisation reinforces its presence on the national territory.

At last! The financial valuation of intangible assets
The French Directorate General for Enterprise (DGE), under the authority of the Ministry of the Economy, Industry and the Digital Sector, decided to engage in […]

Why making an assessment of intangible assets?
By Michel Lévy.

Groupe Brandon will attend a legal conference upon Fashion, Luxury and Design
The next « Assises Juridiques de la Mode, du Luxe et du Design » (legal conference upon Fashion, Luxury and Design) will be hold on June 7th 2019.

Brandon, an expert on valorization for the Cosmetic Angels
On 5 March 2019, Michel Lévy participated in the launch meeting of the Cosmetic Angels.

Brandon in Japan!
From 15 to 21 March 2019, Michel Lévy, President of Brandon Valorisation, will visit Japan in order to meet with some Brandon IP’s partners.

2018: the year in retrospect
2018 is ending to make room to 2019. It is time to Brandon Valorisation to assess the previous year.

Cosmet’up grows
On January 10, Michel Lévy was in Chartres (France) to take part in the first meeting of the Cosmet’up Experts’ Committee.