
Contradictory valuation study

Financial valuation

Brandon can act as a qualified negotiator in disputes over financial valuation of an asset or a company.

The method developed and applied by Brandon Valorisation for these contradictory studies includes several steps, among which:


1. Preliminary Analysis

  • Assess the nature of the dispute and the status of the ongoing negotiation
  • Assessment of stakes and impacts

2. Document Review

  • Financial documentation
  • Audit reports (market studies, valuation study etc.)

3. Assessment of company-specific data

  • Historical financial data
  • Market forecasts, company’s forecasts
  • Identification of the WCR (Working Capital Requirements) and investments

4. Different valuation methods can be used

  • Discounted Cash Flow (DCF)
  • Calculation of market multiples (EBITDA, etc.)
  • Assessment of comparable transactions

5. Risk analysis

  • Market and financial risks
  • Unpredictable exceptional events

6. Element overview

  • Comparison of results obtained from different methods
  • Explanation of differences between the various methods

7. Report writing

Presentation of the report and results of the contradictory study

Conclusion and recommendations

  • Estimated value: proposal of an estimated value and the underlying hypotheses
  • Recommendations: strategy for the next steps in the negotiation process

8. Support and monitoring of the negotiation

In cases where Brandon actively participates in the negotiations, the remuneration conditions for this specific mission include a fixed part calculated based on time spent (per 10 hours) and a success fee.


This method applied by BRANDON leads to well-argued and objective valuation to bring about a fair resolution to disputes regarding the financial valuation of companies as well as intangible assets.


Financial valuation

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Innovation consulting since 1991


Brandon Valorisation has developed a financial valuation method for intangible assets as patents, trademarks, software, domain name, know-how, etc. This method is adaptable to your specific needs.

For more information, please consult our dedicated pages:


The Brandon Rezac Group has a unique offer that combines industrial property and economic and financial valorization, in France and abroad.

The Brandon Rezac Group is the protection of your innovations with intellectual property but also its essential complement, the economic and financial valuation of your intangible assets.

Do you have questions about financial valuation?

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