The know-how is the result of professional experience! The know-how is a set of unique technical skills and/or special knowledge acquired in a specific area.
In an industrial company, for example, know-how applies to a particular modus operandi for the design, production or customer service; in the medical sector, it could be a specific gesture by a surgeon, etc. The know-how makes it possible to differentiate a quality of service, to enhance the brand image of the company, etc.
This know-how remains secret, it is an asset and it gives a competitive advantage to the company that owns it. The know-how is not described in the text of a patent.
Whether patentable or not, know-how is a valuable intangible asset!
Why should we measure the value of know-how?
In industry, know-how is fundamental. Transferred to the employees during internal training, it enables the company to maintain a clear advantage when the competition does not have these special skills. As a consequence, know-how significantly increases the value of the company that owns it.
It is recommended to do a financial valuation study of know-how in the following cases:
- Preparation of a fundraising;
- Merger between companies;
- Transfer or acquisition of a company;
- Negotiation of a licensing agreement or a technology transfer;
- Price setting;
- When looking for a partner within the framework of a collaboration, etc.
For obvious reasons of objectivity, the financial valuation study of a know-how must necessarily be carried out by an independent and referenced expert such as Brandon Valorisation.
A concrete case
Brandon Valorisation has supported a technology transfer between a French SMI and a large Chinese group. We have negotiated the license on the patents and associated know-how.
The know-how, essential to obtain the optimal quality of treatment, was eventually valued higher than the patent licenses.
What are the items evaluated in a valuation study?
Brandon Valorisation study relies on several parameters, such as:
- The market of the company;
- Its human and financial resources;
- Its operating practices or business model;
- Its portfolio of technologies and skills;
- The business strategy in the medium term;
- Its growth prospects;
- Etc.
These data and some others are taken into account and processed by our experts using our proprietary method ValoFin to enable us to determine the value of the know-how.
The analysis, conclusions with figures and possible recommendations are contained in the report which is presented to the company’s managers during a dedicated meeting.
Our financial valuation studies of intangible assets include the participation of our firm to the presentation of the conclusions of our report to a contribution auditor or an investor.
Our method of valorization is widely recognized and appreciated by the various actors in the field of innovation, financers and contribution auditors. We are also proud to have a 100% success rate on the conclusions of our financial valuation studies.
Our firm’s services are covered by a Professional Civil Indemnity insurance.
Brandon Valorisation has developed a financial valuation method for intangible assets as patents, trademarks, software, domain name, know-how, etc. This method is adaptable to your specific needs.
For more information, please consult our dedicated pages:
- Financial valuation study
- Patent valuation
- Trademark valuation
- Software valuation
- Company valuation
- Intangible assets valuation
- Domain name valuation
- Website valuation
- Valo’up
- Valuation diagnosis, “Valo’Diag”
The Brandon Group has a unique offer combining industrial property with economic and financial valorization of your intangible assets.
The Brandon Group is the acquisition and protection of your intellectual property rights with its essential complement, “the creation of value with business”!
Do you want to estimate the value of your know-how or other intangible assets?