Publication Director: Brandon Valorisation
This site was designed and produced by SISMEO.
A limited liability company with a capital of 7,500 € – RCS: B 451 781 801 PARIS
Registered office: 42 rue Monge – 75005 PARIS
A simplified joint-stock company with a capital of 10,174,560€ – RCS Lille Métropole 424 761 419 00045
APE Code 63.11Z
Registered office: 2 rue Kellermann 59100 Roubaix – France.
Tel: 1007
Brandon Valorisation
64, rue Tiquetonne
75002 PARIS
Tel.: +33 (0)1 44 54 11 30
Fax: +33 (0)1 44 54 00 70
A simplified joint-stock company with a capital of 130,000 € – RCS Paris: 407 943 398
All the information on this web server (documents contained in the site as well as all the elements created for the site) are the property of Cabinet L.Brandon and are subject to the laws protecting copyright when they are made available to the public on this web server. Copies of the documents contained in this site may be made for information purposes only and exclusively for strictly private use. No license or right other than the right to consult the site is granted to any person in respect of intellectual property rights. The reproduction of the documents of the site is authorized exclusively for information purposes for personal and private use: any reproduction and any use of copies made for other purposes is expressly prohibited.
In any case, any authorized copy of all or part of the content of the site must be marked “Copyright Cabinet L.Brandon, 2018, all rights reserved. “
Distinctive signs
Unless otherwise stated, the corporate names, logos and trademarks mentioned in this website are the property of Cabinet L.Brandon or of Michel Lévy. They can not be used without the prior written permission of their owner.
Hypertext links
Cabinet L.Brandon authorizes any website to establish a link to the address after simple prior information. However, any such link will be subject to the legal provisions in force.
Cabinet L.Brandon reserves the possibility, at any time, without notice and without having to justify its decision, to prohibit these links. In this case, it will inform the person concerned who will have 2 working days to remove the link.
CNIL declaration
In accordance with the provisions of Law No. 78-17 of January 6, 1978 on computers, files and freedoms, the website of Cabinet L.Brandon has been declared to the French data protection agency (Commission Nationale de l’Informatique et des Libertés – CNIL) under No. 1236830.
In accordance with Law No. 78-17 of January 6, 1978, the user has at all times a right to access, modify, rectify and delete the personal data that we may collect.
The user may exercise each of these rights at any time in one of the following ways:
By letter sent to the following address:
Brandon Valorisation
64 Rue Tiquetonne
75001 PARIS
By email sent to:
A mere consultation of the website does not result in any personal data recording.
However, in the case of a request of information or documentation, Cabinet L.Brandon may collect a certain number of personal data from each user.
Data collection and processing
Cabinet L.Brandon holds in its clients or marketing files personal data concerning its customers.
Those files are monitored in accordance with the Regulation EU 2016/679 of the European Parliament and the Council of 27 April 2016 and with the EU Directive 2016/680 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data.
Those files are aimed to improve the customer relationship management of Cabinet L.Brandon notably through a bi-monthly newsletter.
User rights
Regarding its own personal data, each user has:
- an access to its personal data ex gratia
- a right to correct or complete its data assuming that they are inaccurate, incomplete, ambiguous or outdated
- a right to object, without cost, to the use of these data about them by Cabinet L.Brandon for commercial prospection or solicitation purposes. When the user exercises this right to object, Cabinet L.Brandon shall take the necessary measures so that they are not any more recipient of advertising messages.
- a right to oblivion consisting in the irrevocable deletion of its data
- a right to data portability.
The user can exercise its above-mentioned rights by contacting Cabinet L.Brandon at the following contact information:
Brandon Valorisation
64 Rue Tiquetonne
75002 PARIS – France
or by email:
- a possibility to contact the regulatory authority (CNIL) in case of rights violation.