
Market surveys

Sondages de marchés

Flash studytm

Identify the countries of interest where to protect your inventions and trademarks

You have registered a patent in one country, and you want to capitalize on your invention through operating licenses abroad, but do not know the markets/countries to target first?


To produce a list of the countries for extension of the patent and prevent you from investing blindly in industrial property, we have created the Flash Study.

Based on a proprietary method, this service aims to assess the opportunities of a market and identify its major players.

With its short duration and its moderate cost, the Flash Study in an efficient decision-making tool in your strategy of exploitation of your innovations, usually through licensing.


This service may be followed by a search for licensees according to a Brandon Valorisation’s proprietary method, LEONARD.

The benefits:

A Flash study makes it possible to:

  • Target the most relevant markets for the protection and commercialization of your invention;
  • Optimize and justify your spending in industrial property by filing a patent in high potential countries or with a risk of counterfeiting;
  • In the case of a search for licensees, to save time and money by avoiding investigations in countries with a high market risk.


Case-study: innovative technology in the field of Chemistry

Market surveys

Brandon Valorisation has developed other proprietary methods to meet your needs related to the valuation of your company and of your intangible assets.

Our missions are covered by Professional Civil Indemnity insurance.


The Brandon Group has a unique offer that combines industrial property and economic and financial valorization.

Do you want to know more about Flash studies?

Contact us!

Market surveys
Market surveys

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